Hi, Case on a Cat.
The Torque Plate, a couple of forms of which are shown in photos from Glum and Keloz earlier in this thread, transfers to load from an ATTACHED implement, a ripper or a 3-pt linkage unit, direct to the drawbar pull point under the tractor. It does this through bolts which attach the torque plate to the bottom of the ripper towers or 3-pt mounting plate. The Torque Plate is always a fraction of an inch shorter than the actual distance between the drawbar pull point and the ripper towers or 3-pt mounting plate. This gap is almost completely taken up with shims and then the attaching bolts are tightened so that both the bolts and Torque Plate are under tension. this effectively transfers the pulled load from the bottom of the towers or mounting plate straight to the drawbar pull point.
Got it now? If not, don't panic. We'll just put out a call to all the good-hearted folks out there to ask if anybody can supply photos of this arrangement from either a 941 or a 951 fitted with rippers.
There may have been a 3-pt linkage mounting plate manufactured for D2s but I suspect that they would now be almost as common as hen's teeth and rocking horse manure. OR, to quote the immortal OzDozer, from whom we haven't heard in years, they would be made of 'unobtainium'. To the best of my knowledge, Cat never was 'optimistic' enough to make a ripper for a D2. If I am right, they would alos never have made a ripper mounting plate for same. For a lad with your fabricating skills, I doubt that would be an issue.
Just my 0.02.