Okay time for some more pics guys. Even though this spring started early it hasnt been ending early for us. Our weather pattern this whole month has been rain and snow followed by a couple of nice sunny days that cant be utilized due to mud and then 2-3 warm, cloudy, windy days followed by more rain. So the weather wasnt that great for pics because I dont feel my pics turn out well when it is cloudy out but the sun poked through occasionally.
Finished up spring wheat seeding last week and planted all the disked up CRP to canola before being rained out last night. Still have spring lentils to plant and all the winter wheat will need spraying soon as well.
Notice the residue pretty much disappeared in this spot after one pass with the wil-rich cultivator. Residue management has been very unpredictable for us as we moved to less tillage and in this same field some places the straw is so heavy it is balling up. This 30ft krause cultivator with sweeps is good at working weeds and volunteer up and smooths ground well but does not go through straw as well as the wil-rich, with less tillage we have had problems with a couple of grasses resistant to roundup that shallow tillage wont kill so I was bordering this field with the a deep cultivation to kill the grasses.
The hill the cat is approaching gets very steep for a short amount of time and is actually one of the steepest hills we farm but is not a big deal to harvest because a couple passes across with the combine eats it up fast. This hill takes 2nd gear for both the D4D and D6B to pull the krause up.
I would say this combo of cat and cultivator is probably one my favorite to drive.
Time to fold out the drills and seed some spring wheat. Seeded everything to the soft white variety "Nick" which has outstanding yields but has tougher straw than any winter wheat we grow.
The D6C plays with the krause but is used when one of the smaller cats is away someplace else.
The D6B really struggled to pull the wil-rich around on the canola ground but it was already there so there was no need to run the D6C up there for only making one pass.
Putting fertilizer on the canola ground, just like with the winter wheat it is a mixture of urea and ammonium sulfate only a lighter rate-aimed for 50lb N and 20lb S for this crop and also a little bit of granular boron mixed in with the dry fert.
And for when it is raining outside there is still work to do in the shop with one more combine needing readied for harvest.