spec board image

To encourage and reward members, that pre-register and display Cat products at one of the sanctioned Cat centenary events for 2025, Chapter 19 will organise a professionally printed colour spec board on durable and weatherproof PVC featuring the ACMOC logo and Caterpillar 100-years logos. This will help our event coordinators plan for each event, while also ensuring our displays are consistent, professional and provide quality information to spectators.

How do I get one?

To qualify for your FREE PVC spec board, you must complete and submit the registration forms no later than 2 weeks prior to the first day of the first event you are attending. The spec boards then will be handed out at the event by the ACMOC coordinator.

The program FAQ and forms have been emailed out to Chapter 19 members, or contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need a copy. 


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