Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I believe that most of the board is of the opinion that the way the Chapter issue has been approached is in error and that a different tack is warranted. Stay tuned and we will get there, if we work together.
As far as merchandise goes, that is something that I took on personally. My thoughts on merchandise, especially Caterpillar branded products are not in what I think of as their final form. What I do know is that how the models were produced in the past is not a tenable solution for the Club, there are other ways to get there however. Also, since I first wrote my report there have been developments with Caterpillar that could change the dynamics substantially and in that case, let's work with the new conditions for everyone's benefit.
As for other merchandise, there are ways to relieve the Club of the administrative burden and the physical handling of product while expanding the available products and assuring the Club a profit, and we will get there, it just takes some time to make it happen.
Your comments on being active in the club are well chosen words of advice. I know that some are of the opinion that their comments fall of deaf ears, I am taking that seriously and would love to change that perception through demonstrated action. I think we all have to remember that we all need to get along, and that some ideas can be put into action, and some cannot, but in all cases members should be heard.
Thank you for commenting.
Kurt Bangert
D4 D 78A 6678
D4 6U 1139
RD4 4G223W
D2 5U 1164
JD 350B
JD 420C