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Young Crawler Fans!

2 years 6 months ago #240173 by juiceman
Young Crawler Fans! was created by juiceman
Just sharing some photos from a newer member that is from Humboldt County. Only a couple short years ago, their kind hearts purchased “Singer” the CAT 30 from me via a local sale. Since then, that old gal has racked up many miles in parades and many fundraising events for the Systic Fibrosis Foundation.
Little Mr. K here likes crawlers so much, his dad and grandpa decided more would make him even happier.
He might not be the youngest “member”, but definitely a genuine fan of old iron.
The 30 will be on display at the Humboldt County Fair for another week I believe. If you like the coast and the nice cool fog, here is your chance to get away and see the sights.
I am worried that by the time he reaches puberty, he may own more iron than me! JM
The following user(s) said Thank You: gary in CA, bruce oz, USPatriot67, Fat Dan, Busso20, steve_s

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2 years 6 months ago - 2 years 6 months ago #240174 by Rome K/G
Replied by Rome K/G on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Thats great to hear! A good start! Find him a little Cat Ten.
Last edit: 2 years 6 months ago by Rome K/G.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240175 by juiceman
Replied by juiceman on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Rome: I have been asked by them for a TEN. They were hoping/wishing “Singers” stall mate was available.
They might just settle for a 20 that I have access to.JM
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240176 by Rome K/G
Replied by Rome K/G on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Ten 4, lol or understand.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240178 by Ray54
Replied by Ray54 on topic Young Crawler Fans!
That looks like one happy Cat kid. May he have a long and happy life even though he has some extra struggles ahead I am sure.

One of the last parts man to sell both Cat and John Deere parts at the same parts counter at Wallace Machinery in Paso Robles suffered with cystic fibroses. He beat the odds and lived into his 60's. So with more medical advances may your friend live to have many many Cat's.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240200 by juiceman
Replied by juiceman on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Ray: We all wish that he live a long and full life. I have not had a chance to meet the lad yet, but I guess he carries on as any other of his age, dealing with it.
"Singer" has been to several places and quite popular. I would like to have him come out one day and operate one of my tractors.
I have yet to find a young person NOT enjoy operating a tractor, regardless of the brand/color it is painted. When we were all at the Patrick Ranch, I asked a mother if her son wanted to drive one of mine, which she allowed him to (only after she asked him yay or nay?) That kid cracked me up, he was a natural and asked relevant questions. I'm wondering if he was really a "small person" aka midget, as he drove a little TOO WELL, and asked if he could open up the throttle...his eyes got HUGE and his jaw dropped when he drove over a decent mound of dirt, making the D6 lift up and over when passing over it. It what quite a sight. I asked if he scared himself, and of course he denied it. LOL.
Last I heard, his mama ran off with a guy that preferred IH over CATs, so I probably won't see either of them again. Hahaha. JM
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240202 by Kamnikars
Replied by Kamnikars on topic Young Crawler Fans!
That’s my boy Walker! (Actually my child) we love collecting crawlers while we’re not doing treatments and medicine “about 4 hrs out of the day” He’s a happy boy and doing relay good. We started collecting for the Ferndale CA Christmas tractor parade because he wanted to be in it. So we jumped right in and bought Singer. She has been in 3 parades and displayed multiple other times around Humboldt County CA. Our ending goal is to create a small crawler museum in Ferndale CA in the future. We have a mini museum fleet started and are growing what seems to be monthly!
The following user(s) said Thank You: juiceman, Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240204 by juiceman
Replied by juiceman on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Awesome! Please share more details about your museum. Will it be a non profit or???
Perhaps I can put some stuff out on “loan” if it happens?
4 hours of treatment per day sounds like a lot to endure, not to mention a lot of caregiving on your part. So sorry to hear that he has to do it, but I can’t imagine what his life would be if he didn’t do it.
Glad you have the “bug”.
You can be our unofficial NorthCoast Hoarder!!! 😝 All fantastic! JM
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240205 by D4Jim
Replied by D4Jim on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Gee, I hope Walker ends up with twice as many Cats as you have!! :) :)

How can we gift Walker a free membership in ACMOC?? An ACMOC shirt and hat maybe? I'll pay for it.

Stories like this make the rest of us see how really fortunate we are. Kids seem to endure the hardships easier than the parents but it is still tough!

ACMOC Member 27 years
D47U 1950 #10164
Cat 112 1949 #3U1457
Cat 40 Scraper #1W-5494
The following user(s) said Thank You: Fat Dan

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2 years 6 months ago #240207 by Kamnikars
Replied by Kamnikars on topic Young Crawler Fans!
Yes the museum will be a Non Profit and when it gets up and running we will definitely take tractors on loan for display! Walker can’t own them all 😁
The following user(s) said Thank You: Bentzdo, Fat Dan

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