Sounds OK but when are they. I was under the impression that Brooks is in July and Iowa would be mid to late August. That is too close together. A lot depends on what local shows they are tied to. Iowa may not so they may be able to move it around a bit. But all this is up to the board and officers. Good luck. I will be going to Iowa to support chapter 7 .
Hi Folks,
This Covid 19 has wrecked havoc on most if not all shows this year. It has also left most venues in poorer financial shape when their yearly income went away. The Brooks yearly show is historically at the end of July, first week in August. Elkader, Iowa will be in September. Two National shows that close forces most people to chose one or the other, which is not fair to either show organization. They put in a lot of effort to host the show and deserve our full support. Our show criteria requires show dates that do not conflict with area shows. While these two venues are a good distance apart they are both ACMOC events and competing for the same audience. I asked Brooks about the possibility of having a combination ACMOC Meet & Greet and Truck Show in the spring. My thought was we could still bring machines and play and it could help out financially for Brooks. I spoke to a number of Antique Truck folks in the Northwest that said they would support it. In my conversations with the Brooks Chapter sponsors, I was told that there would not be a digging area available next year. The play field for our canceled show was summer fallowed this year but will be planted again next year and not available to us.
That being said the show committee is meeting this Thursday with the Brooks representatives to kick ideas around and see if something can be figured out.
Does any one think that with the judges decision opening things up in Oregon that it might be possible that the show could go ahead as scheduled? Or be held a month later?
Thank you all for your support folks. These are not easy times or decisions,
Roger Thieling, ACMOC Director and Show Committee Chairman
EDIT: The 2021 Iowa show is a significant anniversary of the corporate sponsor that is providing the venue for the sponsoring ACMOC Chapter. The event planning is well down the road. The scheduled dates are not flexible beyond the possible choice of the two adjoining weekends currently on the calendar.