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ACMOC Chapt 15 meeting and show at Tulare

5 years 2 weeks ago #211392 by Ciao
Updated Post ( March 13, 2020): We just heard today. The Tulare Antique Farm Equipment Show in April 2020 is cancelled. The event committee is concerned that government officials may require more closures. Rather than face significant budget deficits they are cutting their loses and cancelling the event. Thus the Chapter 15 meeting for that weekend is also cancelled. Please join us instead for a Chapter 15 meeting on April 4th, 2020 in Sutter County. We'll post more information in the next week. There will also be another Chapter 15 meeting at the Patrick Ranch on June 13 and 14. More will be posted as soon as the factsheet is scanned for accuracy.

Original Post: All ACMOC chapter members are invited to join the California Chapter 15 Club at Tulare: April 17-19, 2020, www.Antiquefarmshow.or g. Bring your operational equipment and implements, join in for camaraderie, help at the Caterpillar dig for all types of operations provided by all of us: agriculture, construction, and parading around. Juiceman is heading up the dig. Chapter 17 will also be around along with many more clubs. We're dining at the Saturday evening event, and we encourage you to get your tickets and support the fine work that the Tulare teams do to keep this event moving forward. Buy a cake that night--for the cause. The dig site is still coming together, so we hope you'll be a part of its success and the educational component that give kids an opportunity to experience what it is like, why we all enjoy being a part of this group of collectors and enthusiasts.

We're looking into getting food trucks at the dig site--close to the action. Does anyone have contacts for this component? Bring your banners, hot air balloons to tie off on your tractors and implements! Action in the sky will pull spectators to the dig.

We'll post more info as the event gets closer, plan a meeting day and time for Chapter 15 and for all who are just plain enthusiastic about seeing tractors in action.


Ciao Caterpillar Folks

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