I have set up a central location where interested persons can view the videos of the 1/16th scale working model radio controlled crawler tractors I have made. A number of people have asked how they could find the videos hence a central location. The videos were taken in action at a closed coal mine, basically to ascertain how the models worked in relation to the 1:1's. In three dimensions, the scale operating weight of the models is very close to the operating weight of the 1:1's. Both working models tested at about 70% of operating weight at the drawbar which is quite accurate. The next step-up underway is controlling them via a 5G autonomous mobility machine cycle operation program.
Though the objective is migration to a 5G and 6G autonomous cycle operation control system, as a matter of personal interest, each of the models I am building was the largest production crawler tractor world-wide, at the time of introduction. To date I have completed the 1/16th scale model of the Russian CHTZ T-800 (106 tons OEM operating weight built in 1982) and the Komatsu D575A-2 (135 tons OEM operating weight built 1989). The Allis-Chalmers HD-41 is next on my list.
I have also put up condensed build threads at HEF where details of the fabrication process can be viewed. These are working industrial models, not hobby models. They are of welded fabrication and use industrial components.
I've turned all the interaction off on youtube such as likes or dislikes and comments etc etc, it's simply a central depository where interested people can be directed to in order to view the videos.