G'day All. Have been looking for appropriate books and manuals for my recent purchase D7D 17A16166
Parts book D7 17A11879 up
Service manual, I have only seen for 17A 1 up, did they put out a manual for 17A11879 up or do I just need to use lower serial number range up?
Operation and Maintenance Instruction for D7D 17A11879 up, or did they just have one for all of 17A1 up?
Thank Kevin
Look for parts book Form # UEO 33467 (318 pgs) s/n 17A11879 to 19,442.
There only seems to be one service manual for the 17A with a combination of printing in 1955 & 1957. The edition I have has no form # and no model identification, just says D7 tractor. It also does not cover all the changes that were made during production. Might be # SM REO000 (357 pgs) but I have not been able to verify.
As far as the O & M manual look for the latest print Form #31389-04 (90 pgs)