My shed is full and then some. I have a D8 2U that I am planning on selling. It is just to hard to move so the 9U gets all the fun. Asking $5,500 with the new pony. Tracks are like new. New segment sprockets. Pony on it has a bad cyclinder in it and keeps fowling the plug but I have purchased a recently rebuilt pony from a near by fellow that had a engine and pony rebuild on his 3T and 45 hrs later spun a rod and ruined the crank. The extra pony is complete from mag to transmission to pinion and goes with the Cat. I put a new forward and reverse shift shaft and fork in the transmission last summer. You can come up and drive it most anytime. It starts in 2 to 3 ft with a push by the 9U. Has CCU also. It has one bushing in one sheave on the blade end that has to be replaced. Blade is currently off but can be easily installed. I can load the blade separately on truck to get you to legal width. I can email pictures if you send your email. My email is [email protected].
Call most anytime, cell 218-380-3345
Take care
Hi Roger,
I would be very interested in your D8, could you send me some pics of the old girl to my email? [email protected]
I am going to be in Minnesota in July on a fishing trip and could bring cash for the purchase with me, Would have to work out something with you on pickup, as the guy that does all the hauling for us, wont be up that way until around Sept of this year, but I could at least pay you for it in advance if you didn't mind having it around your shed for a few months.
Thanks Mike