I’ve got lever and support, I’ll have to dig it out.
Don’t have the linkage, you can make one out of round or tubing
Cost would be the shipping only
gpwruss at gmail dot com
Hey Gee, Sounds like we got the lever sorted. I can always make up a new rod unless you have one laying around you don't want. Thanks for the help everyone, what I had to work with was pretty far gone and not usable without slamming the lever into my knees!
PNW H, It appears I only have rods with bends in them, sorry for getting your hopes up. JM
PNW H. What was the paint code you used on the D4. Getting ready too paint my 22
Watched all your videos but never could see a code on your paint cans. Thanks.
The paint part number is 4C-4185 (Caterpillar hiway/highway yellow). CAT no longer mixes it, but many other places do. I've been ordering mine from All States Ag Parts.
Thanks Hillbilly
Anyone else have trouble with Cats spray paint cans? Mine sit for a while and they plug up and have this brown crap all around the valve. I tip them upside down and empty the valve when finished spraying. I have some full cans yet and cant even use them. Cat wont do nothing about them. I have other brands of yellow with the same style valves and no problems with them.