dangitt there was a brand new 1693 head in the Oklahoma craigslist for a loooong time. now i can't find it. the seller might relist it though so check the OKC craigslist from time to time
Ebay it is even in Wisconsin
The E- bay head is about 30 mies from me but he will not respond
Thanks all
Here's another:
Here's more:
You could try diesel cast welding in Blaine minnesota
I have one from them they had repaired
It's been several years with lots of hours on it and no problems
763-780-5940 Diesel Cast Welding
I was supprised they had a head that was already to go
My core was cracked they measured it and I got core credit
Good luck
I got one from the lists. All good options. I had already contacted the repair place in MN and that was my next option. The head I bought had been refurbished and is in excellent shape. I bought three used heads and all needed work thus not being cost effective.
Again thanks all.