Still looking thanks
Good luck. I've been looking for 4 of them for several years now. I have found some farm tractor tires that are that size but the tread pattern is typical tractor.
The 10.00 x 24's were correct at the time the grader was manufactured, but this size became officially obsolete in the mid-1950's as tire manufacturers standardized on a lesser number of sizes.
If you acquire some later parts books, and compare the individual wheel hub/rim part numbers and drawings .. you'll find that either the rim pressing or the wheel hubs were modified in design, when Cat changed over to the 13.00 x 24 tire size.
From late 1955 to mid-1956, Cat changed over to tubeless tires on all motor graders, wheel tractors, scrapers and wagons. The new tubeless tires required a new three-piece rim with an o-ring seal.
Earlier model graders, wheel tractors, scrapers and wagons could be retro-fitted with the new tubeless tires, but the new tubeless rims were required as part of the deal.
You will likely find that the newer rims or hubs have a bigger offset to compensate for the wider tires. The changeover to tubeless tires on the 9T series motor grader came in at S/N 9T4762, in Dec 1955.
Here is a cut & paste from another forum. It's a long shot
Here's a source for obsolete Cat 212, 10:00 x 24 grader tires. Sent an email to them. Enclosed is a reply.
Yes, we stock a Denman brand 12 ply. Your cost is $552 each. I can get you freight pricing if you will give me quantity and zip code.
the thread for McWhorter Tires is dated...02-26-2009, 07:54 AM...
This is an old message...
The availability of the Denman 10.00x24 tires had gradually dwindled away by the time I searched for them...
Specialty Tire bought the Denman 10.00x24 tire molds some time ago...,and thought they might make a run of them...Never could get an answer back on this...
Do a search for the tires and you will find an old thread of mine about the research I have done on the 10.00x24 tires...
I have a 212 grader that has 11.2x24 AG tires on the front...They are a heavy tread, but work just fine...
I had 4 212 rims and locking rings sandblasted, primed, and painted...Then found out the rims were about 1 1/2" to narrow in width to accept the 11.2x24 ag tires...The older rims with riveted locking rings can be treacherous when mounting the tires...
Right now, I'm looking for the newer 24" rims with 2 separate pieces rings...the newer safer used on CAT 112 graders...There are 3 separate part numbers for these...I need 4...
Respy, CarlsCat
Still looking!!!!
I was at a local dealer last winter, having studded tires put on wifes car and found two new Denman 10.00x24 grader tires. I bought a lottery ticket on the way home but with no luck!! If I find more I will let you know. Scott
Hi Team,
back in the day, mid 1960's, at The Dealer we used to have the front hubs machined to suit the 13.00 x 24" Rear Rims and then the unit had the same sized tyres and rims all around.
This was necessary even way back then as here in Australia by the mid 1960's the 10.00 x 24" Tyres were hard to get and not being made anymore.
Most customers only wanted to handle one size of spare wheel anyway.
Eddie B.
Have never tried it, however have always thought there was a possibility of fitting 10.00 x 24.5 truck tyres with tubes. Has anyone tried to do this, could get a mutton leg Bandag cap fitted to the tyres here in Australia if they would fit ok.