Friend of mine's family used to own a large, well known equipment parts yard in East Hartford, CT 06118. They have sold the property and need to dispose of some used and aftermarket parts in the next couple weeks. I took photos of a bunch of parts and part numbers on tags and crates. The chrome rods are for D6 8U/9U blade cylinders and one pair is spoken for. There is what I believe is a new D8H powershift transmission not pictured along with one that's partially disassembled.
Also pictured is a D5C listed for $16,500 at the same warehouse. It's used periodically and looks to be in decent shape. Needs the right steering adjusted and a hydraulic leak fixed.
Not Cat related but of probable interest to my fellow old iron nuts are a Cummins C175 turbo out of a Michigan 175A and a Euclid L30 ($2500).
Call AJ at 8607291743 for prices. There is a machine on site to load. Don't hesitate! Unfortunately what's left will probably be scrap metal to the new owners.