They are not mine, but I offered to put a notice on the board for the owner. The gentleman that owns them his name is Oliver. Phone # 360-904-2339.
One is a wide and the other narrow. Would sell together or separate. I only have pix of the wide gauge. The narrow has the head off and was never put back on.
Wide gauge needs the mag timed but he said it would run if timed right. U/C is not in good shape. I bought the radiator guard from him so it is not included.
Narrow gauge head was rebuilt with new valves and guides as far as I can tell. Head looks really good except some surface rust but the overall machine is poor to mediocre. It has a blade too but is removed. Both definitely need some work.
His price is I think around $500 each.
If interested please contact him directly. I have no other affiliation with the owner.

Dan22 - 1936 22 Narrow, 1937 22 Wide, D2 5J, D4D