I have some used top carrier rollers. Won't be home for a couple weeks to put my finger on them.
Sometime earlier this year someone posted they were looking for 8" pitch D8 rails, I think for a sideboom. I happened to be looking also at that time, so I waited to see if he did find any. Well he posted that he had found some rails & was able to get the machine going. I pirvate massaged him as to where he found them, guess what, no reply. Most people on this board are very helpfull if they can be, but some ask for help/info & won't help or share info back. Good luck. jh
Maybe something happened in his life and he has had other stuff to deal with. Just a thought , no need to get bent out of shape because he'd didn't get back to you!!
O.K. thanks for the info.
4tcompost thanks for your post. I really wasn't mad, just don't like the fact that over the years some people want help from the site but appears they don't want to help back. Plus I was hoping this guy would see the post & help out.