[QUOTE=bboomerbootcamp;168790]Sorry for the vague title group. I've been on here for a few years watching and learning. I am in a position to buy a dozer. I have spoke with Ed in Kingman about a D7 which sounds and for all purposes looks good. After giving it some thought and narrowing it down my preference would be getting a machine with blade and one that can be trans ported with my F550, and most importantly sorted out and running. So if anyone reading has something available, are not to far away, would like blade and must be sorted out functional please pm me with your vitals. I will be traveling this week to Las Wages to look at a D2 and hope to swing into Kingman and check out Eds heard.[/lw
There is a few tons of difference when talking about a D2 to a D7. What type of dozing are you looking to do. We can probably be of better help and possibly locate a machine for you if we had more information.
I have a mile long dirt driveway to my land in Oak Creek Canyon Arizona, over the years we have maintained with simple gannon drag box on 3 point hitch. The dozer I would get would be used to help maintain my roads and drives on my land as well as be a useful toy to advertise my construction company. I have several pieces of modern equipment in the works today, having a piece of vintage iron would be fulfilling a hope I've had for many years. Grew up on my grandfathers lap in Wisconsin on heavy equipment in the 60's, most all his equipment was Cat however I am not limited to Caterpillar alone for my needs. I have a Ford F550 for most my haul needs, it has a 14,000 GVW trailer but am looking at a 24,000 GVW also. I realize there is a big difference between a 2 and a 7, I also realize a 7 would require more than a f550 to haul it, been in the business of excavation for a while. My first priority is to have a well sorted out machine, one thats seen refurbish or restoration and has all it's operational ducks in a row, sorry I am not looking for projects at this time. Second I would like a blade up front, winch or hydraulics or pto in rear is a preference. Third I don't want to travel across the country to pick up or ship. At the end of the day I might get more than one thats why I plan to see in person Ed's D7 in Kingman Az. I am interested in the history and preservation of the breed of vintage equipment, I own several vintage trucks as well.
That clears things up. There should be some good running restored machines in your area.
Thanks old-iron-habit. I am not usually accused of being perfectly clear, just listen to my wife. But where it pertains to finding a machine or 2 I want to cast a large net as to include as many options as are available. I want to have choices and if someone is sitting on a 2ton or a Twenty without everything on my wish list, I will still like to hear.
One thing nice about your part of the country is the dry climate and therefore less rust.
God luck in your hunt.
There was a fellow on here, handle was ferraridoctor I think, who had a running D2 in Vegas for sale with a blade. Try this thread http://www.acmoc.org/bb/showthread.php?21125-For-Sale-D2-5U-Holt-Brand-Dozer-Blade-Assembly-1750-00 and pm him to see if he still has it.
There was a fellow on here, handle was ferraridoctor I think, who had a running D2 in Vegas for sale with a blade. Try this thread http://www.acmoc.org/bb/showthread.php?21125-For-Sale-D2-5U-Holt-Brand-Dozer-Blade-Assembly-1750-00 and pm him to see if he still has it.
The truth be known it is a lot cheaper most of the time to buy something all done up and ready to work than it is to buy a worn out machine and rebuild it
I like your plan sounds like smart way of buying a dozer
good luck with the search
That is a Dozer I plan to look at, will see how it goes down the sidewalk.