Hey Ed,
I have a question about the, what I call the starting engine, (others call it a donkey engine or pony engine) but neverthe less, looking at photo #10 where that starting engine is shown, I see what looks like a short piece of pipe (maybe 2" diameter) where normally the air cleaner is. THEN, on top of the short piece of pipe looks like a (plumbers call it a nipple - I call it a pipe cap). My question is about the "pipe". Is that "nipple" removed when the Cat is being started or am I seeing something different?
I am just plain curious. Thanks in advance for your kind reply.
It's undoubtedly only hand tight. Remove it, start the pony and main engine, replace the cap after the pony dies. Don't have to procure a replacement air cleaner this way.
Hey Daron,
I agree with you but it sure "looks funny" to me. I suppose this would work but I am just enough of a "purist" that I'd have to find an air cleaner - BUT wait, I do have one. I bought it years ago when I was "supposed" to get the D7 (we had two of them) that I used to drive back when I was a teenager (for a spare - have an extra carburator too) but the D7 was hauled away from my Aunts property before I had the resources to move the D7 to my house. BUMMER! As the sayiing goes, "Oh WELL!!!!"
It was this way when I bought it. There is a piece of pipe and a pipe cap, and Daron said..... I have an original filter, but not the adapter for it that mounts to the carburetor.
It would serve as a good rain cap too, and would take a looong time to rust out. Just need a couple of spares in the toolbox for when they inevitably get lost, if it's anything like my place : )
I lowered the prices on these machines. Any questions, please PM me. Thanks Ed
Ed, do you have away to transport the 7 to Sedona, Oak Creek Canyon, should be a little over 180 miles. Or possibly there is someone on site with transport ability that could chime in.
Hi Mark... do you know if a tractor trailer can come down 89 from Flagstaff, or will it have to go through Cottonwood from the 17? Quite a difference in mileage. Or is there a better route? I can then get you a quote from this end. Thanks, Ed
I know there is a 50 or 60 foot limit on 89a, I also see 10 wheelers with equipment trailers use it allot. My guess is only, that the D7 would need to fit on a 25' equipment trailer being pulled by a 10 wheeler and still need to maintain it's GVW. So the main ingredient is curb weight of D73T???