I'm looking for an upper and lower sheave block with pulleys, and the sheave block that bolts to the side of the nose, also need a turbo and exhaust elbow, and decompression lever/linkage that mounts down by the pony transmission. thanks I'm located in central Arkansas
Bmr posted a top sheave block without pulleys which looked in new condition on the 21/11/16 if that's any help. I also run a D7 3T and just rebuilt my lower sheave block on the back of the blade.
Bmr posted a top sheave block without pulleys which looked in new condition on the 21/11/16 if that's any help. I also run a D7 3T and just rebuilt my lower sheave block on the back of the blade.
I believe that the 17a had a 3 sheave block, where the 3t has a 2 sheave block.