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First production run complete. I have one set still available at the $100.00 each price. The next run will have to be $125.00 each. Sorry but machinist needed a bit more to give me the final product.
I have finished the prototype (for me). Installed and working in my 933 Traxcavator D311 engine.
I am offering these for sale at $100.00 per unit. These will replace Part numbers 3H2037 and 7F3735. They also will replace the 4F5680 and 1H7653 (non glow plug style although you will have to install the glow plug in the Port.) In the prototype the threads were completed by my machinist. The clearance lathe work at the copper washer face and the chamfering of the bottom corner was done by myself —-trial and error. All will be completed by the machinist in the units for sale. You will have approximately one week to order to get yours in the first run. 8 units currently being manufactured. If interested please let me know.
The two areas modified by myself were for clearance in the cylinder head for intake casting and casting build up around the copper gasket seat.
All will be plus shipping.
Thank you for your interest. Phone number 248-231-4838
EDITED NOTE: The additional parts needed per pre-combustion chamber are as follows:
O-ring for sealing top flange of chamber to the cylinder head. 2H3088
Copper sealing ring for the base of the chamber/cylinder head. 4B5647 (order extra as you may have to add a seal to clock the glow plug properly to avoid conflicts with the Valve cover as well as the fuel lines to each injector.) Originally, there were different thickness copper gaskets available to achieve this clocking. Just checked with Cat....no longer available.
Glow Plug 3H2033