Do you have a late model d25u parts book later than 5u13237 please reply to D2catman please
The library has a copy of the 5U13273-up parts catalog if you aren't looking for a hardcopy. If not, check ebay - there is usually one for sale at any given time there. That's where I picked up mine
Do you actually have a late model DE D2 currently for sale as the posting notes this was from 9 years ago. Thank you
[quote="old_crawlertracks post=245121 userid=17066"]Do you actually have a late model DE D2 currently for sale as the posting notes this was from 9 years ago. Thank you
Don't get your hopes to high,looking at the profile of the original post maker he has not looked in on us in 9 years.
As I remember, Omnitrack used to be in Cove, OR, near La Grande and is now out of business or gone somewhere else.
Owner of that machine passed away a few years ago
Thanks everyone for the clarifications. Trying to find a factory electric DE wide gauge D2 for sale.
[quote="old_crawlertracks post=245255 userid=17066"]Thanks everyone for the clarifications. Trying to find a factory electric DE wide gauge D2 for sale.
***There is a D2 5U with toolbar dozer coming up for auction on BidCal auction site. It has direct start and new paint.*** Happy bidding. JM
Oldcrawlertracks: At the time of this facebook posting they had what you're looking for. Located near Sacramento,CA