I picked up one of these from Dan, and found to my delight that my 5U's sprockets are near new. I'll just need to mark the rail height notches so I can eyeball them but that will be easy. They're a good 1/8 to 3/16 thick so are nicely solid.
Neil--I am going to mark my gauge with the numbers from the old Crawler Heaven website
D2 track service limits....
Thanks OM--I find the numbers that Swishy had posted are a bit different also
[quote="dpendzic"]I had some D2 track Gauges cut from a scribing of an original from Bert b--$20 total cost to the continental USA
Hi. I am looking for one of your track gauges, if you still have any, how can I get one. Please let me know. My name is John.
916 821 1774 you can text info. Thanks.
I would like to buy a track gauge. Please PM me or call 707-279-9119. Thanks, Grant.
as i told John if i have any left they would be in Ma--200 miles away right now--i should get up there in a couple of weeks and i will check
I would be interested in one as well. Please let me know once you get a chance to look for them