A little background... Last fall when I put the D2 away the pony was running great. It would start really easy and it would idle down just fine. However, this spring the pony motor has been very hard starting and i'm wondering what I should check.
I've got good cranking speed from the electric starter and pulling the spark plugs I find they are both bone dry. To get it running I have been pulling one of the spark plugs and putting a little gas in one of the cylinders and it will start right up and run but wants to die if I try to idle it down.
Since the pony will run and crank the main engine I'm thinking the fuel flow from the tank to the carb is sufficient. I'm also thinking I've got a good spark from the magneto and has decent compression because it will run under a load.
As said before it started easy and would idle last fall. When shutting the pony engine off I always shut the fuel valve and let it burn all the gas out of the carb.
1. check your sediment jar if it has one
2. The jet might be getting varnished. I usually have to spare some carb cleaner in mine every spring. then I don't have problems after that.
3. the float could also be sticking mine has done that also