Reply to ianauz:
A link to the auction .
Hey Buddy. I gone the Extra Mile or Two to Get Rare Antique Best's, Holts and Rare in USA Tailseats wide gauge etc over to my Own Collection.over many Years.
When the Panamera Canal was being made wider. Extra Surcharges on Shipping a 40Ft High Top Container Big Time Extra Charges. So I decided to SAVE MONEY and I arranged Road Haulage 40 Ft Semi Full Load from California to Peoria .IL. Like 3600 Miles at $1.00 per Mile as a BACK LOAD. Then Road RAIL FRIGHT TRAIN CAT POWER to the Great Lakes. Loaded onto Shipping Vessel CAT powered. Unloaded the Container Road Haulage From the Port my Side to Unloading 250 Miles on Land Myside from Port of Unloading. Tax and DEFFRA Charges etc.
IANAUS. My main Issue. I have Sent (Three) 40ft High Top Containers for Loading like 4 weeks before the Action. So like all my Auction Purchases over the last 20 Years shipping from USA and Other Auctions around the globe. I have ALLWAYS ended up MAXING out my Shipping Loads and Over Weight. Smile. Maxxed out on the shipping weight per load. Hence I have my Plan A to Purchase at Auction. and Plan B to Z also Covered.
IANAUS. Mrs Catman been in Contact with JOHN DEERE Local Agent to Auction Site. And recived the John Deere PRINTED BROCHERES in the Mail only a couple of days ago.
John Deere Ride On Law Mower and John Deere COMPACT TRACTOR and Attachments on the LIST to Fill the CAN..If Outbid on Wanted Lots HeHe.
WORD UP.. I am Planning to SELL OFF My International USA Crawler Collection and International Iron Wheelers. TITAN 1020 and Jnr 816 from International Tractor Museum International HQ Collection Auction like 20 Years ago. ,
Along with Wide Gauge T-20s in Grey Early Deering Etc Like 8 Track Tractors T-20 in Total with 2 brand new engines in wooden crates etc and like 6 ton in new genuine parts .
TD-35 barn fresh from the Auction in New York is sitting inside my Heated Shed. and on the list to possibly sell on at Auction.
I need to Thin the Cat-Cave HEARD to Make Room for new Additions of Early CATS ...