Reply to chriscokid:
what was on the bracket just to the left of the exhaust manifold?
Thanks for correcting my brain fart, Walt.
Neil, I shopbuilt everything on the 3-point out of steel from our farm scrap pile. Roughly designed to Category II specs, except I had to fudge the top link mounting point a little and implements don't rise in a perfectly parallel plane. I shortened a backhoe cylinder for the lift ram; the lift arms and lower links are fabricated weldments; the seat back hydraulic reservoir was made from 1/8" plate; much of the support frame from 2x4 tubing; and a commercial hydraulic pump and valving were used. Works fairly well, except when using a really heavy implement like a disk, the tractor tips back significantly when raised.
Chris, the bracket once mounted a big canister fuel filter which I eventually replaced with an in-line filter.
- Richard