Interested pm sent
Maybe i am missing something... 10-15 cat 60’s??
He’s figuring the price
This machine just came out from hiding about 5 yrs. ago, Hopefully we can all find out some good history on it, I received very little background on it from the owner but hope to visit with him some more about it. He believes its about 1894 ca. and the frame and flywheel design parallels the one in death valley which was dated the same. the wheels tell us it was likely a "freighter" and not an ag machine. Amazing what is still out there. I wonder if this could be the oldest unrestored Caterpillar tractor predecessor in existence ( counting production tractors only) ??
Kevin, I just looked at a few photos of the 20 mule team borax setup and that unit looks the same model. Is that what you meant by Death Valley? That's a great bit of history. And the fourth picture looks like a differential which I've not seen on such an old unit before (not that I've seen much : )
IF YOU TAKE A good hard look at the frame and the flywheel on the Phillips best and the Oakland, Calif best and the Furnace Creek best and the Heidrick best you can sort out some differances.straight spoke flywheel etc. 364 seems to be a production # that comes up on the Daniel Best machines , if you can find a Remington, then about 6 is the #, Just for a teaser, I have a starting point on a Remington. And as a bonus, I'm retired. Lol
Wow, this is exciting! I had heard stories that there was a best 110 in the desert of nevada or california, this must be the one. it will be interesting to hear more history on it!
I saw this Best 3 years ago sitting next to a museum looking like yard art in Goldfield Nevada. Too bad the bearing bosses on the gear works were striped by some junkie looking for a bit of bronze.
The Boiler is what is going to get expensive when it comes to bringing this old girl back to life; The Gearing is awesome, the owner stated he has some or few of the parts that are missing, and as I stated earlier, would not give me the full history on it. Hopefully, everything can come together to give us all a positive outcome. No different than anyone else viewing this thread, I would kind of like to have it in my Barn, but that's kind of selfish as I can not give it the time and $$ that its going to take. It only took me, with a yard full of old Cats, about 20 yrs. to realize, That I don't have enough years left to do Justice to what I have accumulated. Have any of you folks came to that reality yet?? I'm at peace with passing on things that can be better served or appreciated, (even if it means selling them at a loss). Just some thoughts .After all, isn't it about preserving History for Posterity??