The good maintenance and care this machine has had during its life is very evident in your pictures. It is good to see one complete and in such great condition. I hope you can find it a good home where the loving care will continue.
Good job on the correct mounting of the new front tires.
Good job on the correct mounting of the new front tires.
Well before I was on this forum I had no clue. When the tire guy came to hang them on the machine, we had quite a discussion over direction and I showed him one of the lines here in the forum. Even the tires have arrows pointing the "wrong" way for front tires.
How much do you want for it
Jeff, I sent you a PM
What year model is that? My son says I need to buy it. Does it have a hydraulic slide moldboard?
The Serial number 9T441 indicates it came off the line in 1949. Others here may correct that or confirm that.
The only hydraulics on it is the power assist steering I installed.
No sliding moldboard. It does have an extension that takes it from the factory 10' moldboard to an 11'6" moldboard. Not sure how that works, as there was a factory extension that took it out to 11" where the additional 6" came from I am not sure. If it is not a factory extension it looks like one, everything fits tight and clean. There is a capability to shift the mold board sideways, about 18" you un-pin the mold board, shift it sideways and re-pin it.
When I went out to the shop today, I heard a whisper "Mr. Beek, come get me please..." Not sure what that is all about. 😊
I would really miss that sliding mold board, I use it a lot to reach out. 10 ft blade ?? I would miss that extra reach. Would love to have a complete machine. The only time I have moisture to work my roads, it only comes in the winter and usually comes with snow.
I suspect that is why they added the extra 18" to the blade taking it out to 11'6". A lot of work for the machine was rolling snow. Was there a hydraulic sliding moldboard? From what I have read here, (probably soon to be corrected) Cat didn't do hydraulics until the 60's. The machine is about as complete as they come unless there are extra parts that are not covered in the manuals. (Again, probably soon to be corrected.)
A hydraulic ram could be added for the slide. Mine is a 1951 and the slide system works off the same pump as the power steering. Couple of mounts to weld on, a ram and double acting control valve and about 30 ft of #8 hose.