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Send a private message to ronm
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...but ACMOC has lost me...
I agonized over whether to bump the thread from 9 pages back with a similar title or start a new one, decided to do it this way. Flame away if you have to, I call it "tough love".
For several reasons, I didn't renew my ACMOC membership when it was due a while back. Haven't been back to the BB much for a couple months either.
I have joined the ranks of the "fixed income" types, AKA retired, so it's time to prioritize expenditures...used to piss me off when some old fart whined about paying for something because he was "on a fixed income"...well, looking at it from the other side now.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not starving to death, quite comfortable actually, but wisdom says put the money where it does the most good, and frankly, ACMOC doesn't fit into that category any more. I have been on this forum since 2007, never joined ACMOC as a paying member until 2015, when I actually owned a Caterpillar...( it is the Caterpillar OWNER'S club after all...)
The magazine is beautifully done, heavy slick paper, good color, & I know some salivate over receiving the next copy, but truthfully, I don't think it's worth the expense. I know it's a struggle to find content, & I'm as guilty as anyone for not contributing, but considering the response to some of my efforts at sharing knowledge on the BB, why bother? Everybody's a goddamn expert, & will pick your stuff apart, who needs that grief? It seems to me my 45 years of experience as a mechanic-yeah, MECHANIC-(hate the term "tech"), 35 of those years running my own business, has never been much appreciated on here due to the fact a lot it was with a non-yellow color...
I used to get irritated about the BB being dominated by "rich Californians", but the BB I now realize is somewhat of a lonely place without the large presence of a couple of them...I do miss them...
Part of it may be a general burnout with internet forums, I have quit several I used to frequent. After so many years it gets to be the same stuff over & over-newbies, know-it-alls, & trolls...
Last but not least, and don't take this as a ploy for sympathy, the last couple years have been tough. My stepdaughter was murdered over 2 years ago, & the journey through the court system for the POS that did it is still not over. Those who have been through the loss of a child and/or the legal system will know, & those who haven't, I pray you never have to...
So there it is, guys & gals. Offered as constructive criticism re the club's problems & struggles from "one that got away", take it that way or not...those who can't handle it can shove it.
I do wish ACMOC the best & hope things go well for the club in the future. And I do admire the effort & trouble the BOD & officers put into the club. You're a hell of a lot better at herding cats than I am.

Ron in CO...
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Wed, Aug 7, 2019 10:34 PM
Send a private message to oldbeek
Posts: 781
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Sorry to see you go, but I agree with your thoughts on the magazine. Too expensive. I am also on a fixed income here in CA and I like to hang around the forum to see if I can help out. Others here have helped me immensely and well worth the price of the dues. Sorry to hear of your loss of a child. I have been there. Keep positive and remember it is the lords will.
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Thu, Aug 8, 2019 1:32 AM
Send a private message to d9gdon
Posts: 870
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Reply to oldbeek:
Sorry to see you go, but I agree with your thoughts on the magazine. Too expensive. I am also on a fixed income here in CA and I like to hang around the forum to see if I can help out. Others here have helped me immensely and well worth the price of the dues. Sorry to hear of your loss of a child. I have been there. Keep positive and remember it is the lords will.
Life throws curveballs for everybody. Death in the family will change you, and it affects everyone a little differently.

This hobby of working on and collecting Cats is something you enjoy or you wouldn't be on the BB, and that makes life a little more enjoyable.

Maybe you'll change your mind.

Good luck in your retirement.
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Thu, Aug 8, 2019 3:39 AM
Deas Plant.
Send a private message to Deas Plant.
Posts: 6,593
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Reply to oldbeek:
Sorry to see you go, but I agree with your thoughts on the magazine. Too expensive. I am also on a fixed income here in CA and I like to hang around the forum to see if I can help out. Others here have helped me immensely and well worth the price of the dues. Sorry to hear of your loss of a child. I have been there. Keep positive and remember it is the lords will.
Hi, ronm.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your daughter AND my best wishes for your future, whatever it might hold.

Just my 0.02.
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Thu, Aug 8, 2019 3:43 AM
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Send a private message to ronm
Posts: 1,143
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, ronm.
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your daughter AND my best wishes for your future, whatever it might hold.

Just my 0.02.
Oldbeek, Don, Deas-
Thank you for the kind words, they are appreciated.
Life is good, even with the challenges we face...

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Mon, Aug 12, 2019 9:12 PM
Send a private message to u-joint
Posts: 304
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Reply to ronm:
Oldbeek, Don, Deas-
Thank you for the kind words, they are appreciated.
Life is good, even with the challenges we face...


I don't hang out here much. I may go 6 months and not access this site. I am a member as to be a part of the chapter here. for some reason I decided to see what was up here and came across this post. you are all to correct about the good ole boys dominating this site. you are again correct on your knowledge not being appreciated but viewed as a threat to those good ole boys. I have been known to battle these experts here that claim to know all. when I do this its amazing the private messages I get from people like you ( you may even be one ) who laugh at the experts and their lack of expertise! you are wrong though on the good ole boys keeping this site alive. I know all to many through private messages who have nothing to do with this site as a result of these good ole boys and their lack of experience or expertise. they prey on those here who know less then they do as a boost for their self esteem and are quick to put you down and keep you there. this in turn keeps genuine people such as yourself from participating, helping people who don't have the experience deal with problems or learn through your own lived experience.

a friend of mine who worked for cat in the ag side when they were designing the challenger I fully believe knows more about the D69U through the D6D and the D5 then any one man alive. he also knows the construction end but his specialty is with the ag side, a good memory and a very talented mechanic. has lots of stories in developing the challenger line. you should see him grin when he tears into a power shift transmission. he will have absolutely nothing to do with this site. I have tried to get him to sign up but no. if he gets bored he will come on here for entertainment then call me up and laugh. he knows the powers here will not allow his experience and he does not have the patience to put up with it. no, these rich Californians or what ever anyone wants to call them have in the past done more to hurt this site through their own arrogance then they have done it any good. there are a few like catsilver if he is still here and Crisco whos opinion I trust. like I said earlier, I have battled the forces here and found it interesting when my private message folder is jammed full. there was at one time anyway a lot of mechanics that would come here and look but not dare to give any advice due to the powers, good ole boys, rich Californians, call them what you want!
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Tue, Aug 13, 2019 9:29 AM
Deas Plant.
Send a private message to Deas Plant.
Posts: 6,593
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Reply to u-joint:

I don't hang out here much. I may go 6 months and not access this site. I am a member as to be a part of the chapter here. for some reason I decided to see what was up here and came across this post. you are all to correct about the good ole boys dominating this site. you are again correct on your knowledge not being appreciated but viewed as a threat to those good ole boys. I have been known to battle these experts here that claim to know all. when I do this its amazing the private messages I get from people like you ( you may even be one ) who laugh at the experts and their lack of expertise! you are wrong though on the good ole boys keeping this site alive. I know all to many through private messages who have nothing to do with this site as a result of these good ole boys and their lack of experience or expertise. they prey on those here who know less then they do as a boost for their self esteem and are quick to put you down and keep you there. this in turn keeps genuine people such as yourself from participating, helping people who don't have the experience deal with problems or learn through your own lived experience.

a friend of mine who worked for cat in the ag side when they were designing the challenger I fully believe knows more about the D69U through the D6D and the D5 then any one man alive. he also knows the construction end but his specialty is with the ag side, a good memory and a very talented mechanic. has lots of stories in developing the challenger line. you should see him grin when he tears into a power shift transmission. he will have absolutely nothing to do with this site. I have tried to get him to sign up but no. if he gets bored he will come on here for entertainment then call me up and laugh. he knows the powers here will not allow his experience and he does not have the patience to put up with it. no, these rich Californians or what ever anyone wants to call them have in the past done more to hurt this site through their own arrogance then they have done it any good. there are a few like catsilver if he is still here and Crisco whos opinion I trust. like I said earlier, I have battled the forces here and found it interesting when my private message folder is jammed full. there was at one time anyway a lot of mechanics that would come here and look but not dare to give any advice due to the powers, good ole boys, rich Californians, call them what you want!
Hi, Folks.
I am not attempting in any way to either invalidate or put down ronm's or u-joint's personal views and experiences about treatment here on the BB but I do hafta say that I have never experienced it and that I am neither rich nor a Californian.

Yes, I have been corrected a few times by people with better access to technical information but I would emphasize the 'few' and that I don't have any sort of a technical library to consult and pretty much all of what I post here comes from my own memories, some of them 30 or more years old.

That said, I do wish ronm and u-joint all the best in their future wanderings.

Just my 0.02.
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Tue, Aug 13, 2019 3:19 PM
Chapter Leader
Chapter Fifteen
Send a private message to juiceman
Posts: 3,162
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Reply to Deas Plant.:
Hi, Folks.
I am not attempting in any way to either invalidate or put down ronm's or u-joint's personal views and experiences about treatment here on the BB but I do hafta say that I have never experienced it and that I am neither rich nor a Californian.

Yes, I have been corrected a few times by people with better access to technical information but I would emphasize the 'few' and that I don't have any sort of a technical library to consult and pretty much all of what I post here comes from my own memories, some of them 30 or more years old.

That said, I do wish ronm and u-joint all the best in their future wanderings.

Just my 0.02.
It’s unfortunate that some people feel they are unappreciated or unnoticed. As for any advice or comments on this BB, I try to be open minded. I don’t agree or disagree with everything; not everyone has the same skill set or ideas either. Some people are very well spoken, some are direct to the point, and then there are ramblings such as mine! AND there are some that aren’t so polished; I wish to think they don’t mean any harm...that’s just how they talk...
I surely appreciate the technical knowledge shared within the group. Membership does have its benefits.
I don’t know who has ruffled either Ronm or Ujoints feathers. I don’t think it is me? Am I guilty because I live in the Golden State? I’m not rich, I vote Republican, I own guns, I treat myself to a good steak occasionally, I DONT hug trees and yes, I do own a couple of tractors.
What became of the camaraderie? I’m on this BB often, as I regularly need help/advice/support. I also enjoy sharing my experiences, photos, etc. because not everyone gets to go outside and smell the diesel fumes. Not because I want to be a keyboard commando...I surely don’t want to even try to control this site.
Sad to see anyone leave this group, but I suppose that’s a matter of personal choice. If someone feels they have an axe to grind or dislike me for whatever reason(s), you may reach me via the BB PM complaint department LOL. JM
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Tue, Aug 13, 2019 10:20 PM
Send a private message to D4Jim
Posts: 1,306
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Reply to juiceman:
It’s unfortunate that some people feel they are unappreciated or unnoticed. As for any advice or comments on this BB, I try to be open minded. I don’t agree or disagree with everything; not everyone has the same skill set or ideas either. Some people are very well spoken, some are direct to the point, and then there are ramblings such as mine! AND there are some that aren’t so polished; I wish to think they don’t mean any harm...that’s just how they talk...
I surely appreciate the technical knowledge shared within the group. Membership does have its benefits.
I don’t know who has ruffled either Ronm or Ujoints feathers. I don’t think it is me? Am I guilty because I live in the Golden State? I’m not rich, I vote Republican, I own guns, I treat myself to a good steak occasionally, I DONT hug trees and yes, I do own a couple of tractors.
What became of the camaraderie? I’m on this BB often, as I regularly need help/advice/support. I also enjoy sharing my experiences, photos, etc. because not everyone gets to go outside and smell the diesel fumes. Not because I want to be a keyboard commando...I surely don’t want to even try to control this site.
Sad to see anyone leave this group, but I suppose that’s a matter of personal choice. If someone feels they have an axe to grind or dislike me for whatever reason(s), you may reach me via the BB PM complaint department LOL. JM
I’m just a poor Kansas Farmer and I never felt the rich, “good ole boys” from California ran the show. In fact, quite the opposite. I have received numerous tips and suggestions from the so-called “good ole boys” and from many others on the board including help from AU, UK, Canada and NZ. If it were not for a couple of these “rich ole boys” from CA, I would have never got my D4 together again.

Some of us are hypersensitive and look for reasons to become irritated and still others get offended when no offense was intended. Having a difference of opinion is pretty much normal in my book and no big deal. There have been many opinions expressed about the magazine, its format, the delivery etc. etc. and with the myriad of opinions expressed not all will agree. If the BOD members were thin skinned, they would all have departed long ago but they stayed with it and listened to the membership because the ACMOC is important to them.

Sometimes exterior and extenuating circumstances can cause any of us to vent and whatever is in view gets smacked. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Dwell on the good things of ACMOC and put aside the petty differences. If the petty differences are monumental in one’s mind, then the ACMOC is probably not for you. Look for the good not only in ACMOC but in your everyday life and be thankful for what you have.
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Wed, Aug 14, 2019 12:06 AM
Chapter Leader
Chapter Fifteen
Send a private message to juiceman
Posts: 3,162
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Reply to D4Jim:
I’m just a poor Kansas Farmer and I never felt the rich, “good ole boys” from California ran the show. In fact, quite the opposite. I have received numerous tips and suggestions from the so-called “good ole boys” and from many others on the board including help from AU, UK, Canada and NZ. If it were not for a couple of these “rich ole boys” from CA, I would have never got my D4 together again.

Some of us are hypersensitive and look for reasons to become irritated and still others get offended when no offense was intended. Having a difference of opinion is pretty much normal in my book and no big deal. There have been many opinions expressed about the magazine, its format, the delivery etc. etc. and with the myriad of opinions expressed not all will agree. If the BOD members were thin skinned, they would all have departed long ago but they stayed with it and listened to the membership because the ACMOC is important to them.

Sometimes exterior and extenuating circumstances can cause any of us to vent and whatever is in view gets smacked. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Dwell on the good things of ACMOC and put aside the petty differences. If the petty differences are monumental in one’s mind, then the ACMOC is probably not for you. Look for the good not only in ACMOC but in your everyday life and be thankful for what you have.
[quote="D4Jim"]I’m just a poor Kansas Farmer and I never felt the rich, “good ole boys” from California ran the show. In fact, quite the opposite. I have received numerous tips and suggestions from the so-called “good ole boys” and from many others on the board including help from AU, UK, Canada and NZ. If it were not for a couple of these “rich ole boys” from CA, I would have never got my D4 together again.

Some of us are hypersensitive and look for reasons to become irritated and still others get offended when no offense was intended. Having a difference of opinion is pretty much normal in my book and no big deal. There have been many opinions expressed about the magazine, its format, the delivery etc. etc. and with the myriad of opinions expressed not all will agree. If the BOD members were thin skinned, they would all have departed long ago but they stayed with it and listened to the membership because the ACMOC is important to them.

Sometimes exterior and extenuating circumstances can cause any of us to vent and whatever is in view gets smacked. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Dwell on the good things of ACMOC and put aside the petty differences. If the petty differences are monumental in one’s mind, then the ACMOC is probably not for you. Look for the good not only in ACMOC but in your everyday life and be thankful for what you have.[/quote]

Thank you Sir. Well said. JM
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Wed, Aug 14, 2019 12:56 AM
Paso Bob
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Posts: 711
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Reply to juiceman:
[quote="D4Jim"]I’m just a poor Kansas Farmer and I never felt the rich, “good ole boys” from California ran the show. In fact, quite the opposite. I have received numerous tips and suggestions from the so-called “good ole boys” and from many others on the board including help from AU, UK, Canada and NZ. If it were not for a couple of these “rich ole boys” from CA, I would have never got my D4 together again.

Some of us are hypersensitive and look for reasons to become irritated and still others get offended when no offense was intended. Having a difference of opinion is pretty much normal in my book and no big deal. There have been many opinions expressed about the magazine, its format, the delivery etc. etc. and with the myriad of opinions expressed not all will agree. If the BOD members were thin skinned, they would all have departed long ago but they stayed with it and listened to the membership because the ACMOC is important to them.

Sometimes exterior and extenuating circumstances can cause any of us to vent and whatever is in view gets smacked. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail. Dwell on the good things of ACMOC and put aside the petty differences. If the petty differences are monumental in one’s mind, then the ACMOC is probably not for you. Look for the good not only in ACMOC but in your everyday life and be thankful for what you have.[/quote]

Thank you Sir. Well said. JM
I live in California and I'm not rich. I happen to have some older Cats that run well, put out a lot of work and I use them frequently. I'd like to know more about the "good ole boys". You can click on my name and review my posts. I try to help out when I can. Categorizing people into a certain class is unfair. That appears for face value to indicate an inferiority complex and a lack of self esteem. Let's be above that and enjoy the board for the good it provides all of us as a whole. If you choose to move on and quit the BB, that's unfortunate. I have taken a multitude of information away that has saved me a lot of time and money. I will happily keep my membership current.
D-4 7U-43159 with 4S dozer and Cat 40 scraper, D-7 3T-1179 with Cat 7S hydraulic dozer, D-7 17A 13,944, D-8 14A-1160 with Cat 8S cable dozer, Cat 12-99E-4433 Grader. All runners and users.
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Wed, Aug 14, 2019 12:26 PM
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