Compression release??
Putting the release into the start position seems to lug the pony some; is the release lever a fixed rod or could it have slipped somehow?
Hi wanglow.
The compression release lever needs to be in the "Run" position to start. In the "Start" position, there should be no compression. The pony motor should sound like it is getting load when the compression release lever is in the "Run" position. With the compression release lever in the "Run' position. do you get any white smoke coming out of the exhaust when you open the throttle?
Just my 0.02.
No smoke when in either position. Is there any way to tell if the fuel pressure gauge is working? I have fuel leaking out the injector nuts when I crack them. Shouldn't the gauge show some pressure?
If it has been a while since it has run, check that the rack is moving when you move the throttle.
Thank you. How do I do that?
Thank you. How do I do that?
D2 been sitting for about two years. Checked rack movement, seems to be ok. No fuel pressure on the gauge after running with pony engaged. Could the fuel filter be so clogged as to show no fuel pressure at all? Whre do I get replacement fuel filter? ron
Hi, wanglow.
Your friendly local Cat dealer for the fuel filter. It might be worth checking the whole fuel line and the tank for blockages. There is likely a tank drain cock that you can open to see what the fuel in the tank is like. With a full tank of fuel, that system should gravity feed from the tank to the filters.
Just my 0.02.