Last Fall I parked the D2 up on Timbers in case I needed it in the Winter. :couch2:
It was warm today, when I got home from work, I decided its time to wake up the CAT from winters sleep.
Opened the Valve on the Fuel line, put a little ATF in the Starter clutch, squirted some oil in the cups and checked the dipsticks.
Gas tank was still full from last Fall, turned on the gas valve, fiddled around for a minute, adjusted the choke and throttle, wrapped the rope.
Felt it was ready, gave it a good long pull and OFF THE PONY WENT! :clap2: ๐mile:
Let it warm up a little, seemed smooth, flipped the Lever to start, engaged the clutch to roll the main.
Put the gas can away as I obviously don't need it, cleaned the leaves and twigs off.
Oil pressure is good, cracked open the Injector Bleeders, good flow.
Forgot I didn't flip the lever to run, :eek2: did so, waited another minute or three.
Put it back in Start, Yanked open the throttle, flipped it back to Run.
Fired right off with no hesitation! :high5: ๐mile:
Drove it out to the field, went a 1/4 mile down to the other end to push out a rock and dirt pile I found last year Bush Hogging. :eek2:
Came home and finished pulling out some trees from our hedgerow cleaning project. ๐
Drove it down to the end of the yard to park for the next big adventure! ๐ค
You got to LOVE a machine that starts and runs as reliable as that! :first: