Looks great Angelo, does the disk make the D4 work? The parking lot seems to have some new acquisitions in it : )
Correct! I am not, and I should not! Nice static display Angelo, but let's see that thing rolling coal and churning that weed patch under please. If you don't I might have to post more of my dull photographs and put everyone under. How has the "Knee Knocker" D4 been treating you? Is that an IH wheel disk? Model 25 or 26? Come on, no more teasing us.
Better yet, let's see a photo of your other buddy Crawler$$$ and his kitties as well. JM
Hi, Juiceman.
I don't see anybody having any fun in D4angelo's photo, justa a not bad lookin' D4 sittin' there with a set of discs behind it - which may or may not even be hitched to said D4.
How's about some ACTION???????????????????????
Just my 0.02.
Yes Deas: We need to know if it really works or just a trailer Queen. Maybe when he wakes up at the crack of noon, he can respond. Hehe. JM
Calm down boys, you all know that D4 is NOT a trailer queen! The only "queen" I have is my wife! To Neil: the D4 works great with that disc behind it, no problems and it barks a little going uphill. We are always getting new acquisitions at the museum, some nice and some not. As far as Crawler $$$ goes, he is still in the witness protection program.....................
Pictures of it, or it didn’t happen as some say!
You had better post something, because some are tired of seeing my activities! JM
Fun ??
You do not recall when "we" were glued to the seat, eating dirt, getting suntans, etc. for minimum wage, long hours, HOT LUNCH (before the days of cold packs and insulated coolers, even the cheese would melt on the "cold sandwiches"? WE CALLED THAT WORK! Sometimes we were really up-town, had an umbrella!
Now as our hair thins, changes color, skin tears oh so easily, we think it is FUN?
When can I find that fountain of youth?
JM - I see an invitation coming! (Tailseat 3JD2 is not in that equation though! I may be getting older and grayer but my memories are not totally disfunctional.)
Oh, how I can say, I often think of those days, and recall with some affection, the peace of being a part of the machine with no distractions!
Well said CTS. Especially the part about thin skin. I'm always bleeding when I work on something.
Toolbox. lunchbox, and BAND AID BOX!