Hi We arrive in to san luis on the 25th staying at embassy suites for one night then air bnb for 2nights ,embassy suites 28 29 and hampton inn on the 30th We are over for an extended time hence the long stay in San Luis
Cheers Peter from New Zealand
It looks like I will have the whole hotel to myself. No one else is staying there? Well, my wife will be there...😊😊😊😊
Actually, I am thinking that there are several that MAY be staying there but came to the show early to help set up for next weekend or are traveling, but anyway, I am looking forward the the show!
See ALL YOU there! 😊
Hey Walt,
We will be staying on Pismo Beach, the family wanted to check out the ocean. Should be a good time. BTW, I won't be able to check out the 50 BMG shoot, I figure that would take too much time from the ACMOC show to run up there and back. Thanks.