You might also have some weak injectors.
I think I would start by loosening each injection line in turn and see if you can eliminate the smoke by making each cylinder misfire. Once you know which ones are doing it, you could move those injectors to a cylinder that was not smoking and see if the problem moves with the injector valve or stays in the same cylinder.
Aftermarket injection "valves" as CAT calls them are around $30 each so it doesn't cost a lot to replace them but you may be replacing good injectors in cylinders that have low compression or are fed by injection pumps that are leaking or operated by camshaft lobes that are worn etc. By moving some stuff around you can rule out some problems pretty simply.
D2-5J's, D6-9U's, D318 and D333 power units, 12E-99E grader, 922B & 944A wheel loaders, D330C generator set, DW20 water tanker and a bunch of Jersey cows to take care of in my spare time😄