Reply to anyoldiron:
So youve been given a machine and your short on money........................................give it to someone else.
Trying to start it as is, is to my mind bordering on criminal.
Personally i would cut the filters to check for horrors and replace along with the engine oils and fuel, if it then starts change all the other oils, if this seems like to much money, give the thing away and save the heartache. Crawlers are not cheap period, and as my old Dad would have said "Theres no such thing as a free lunch in life"
That is a real friend you have there, let's hope everything is OK with it.
I'd suggest at the very least you drain and replace the engine oil in both the main motor and pilot motor and check your oil filter on the main motor for weird deposits and then throw it away, those things are cheap and for $15 a new one is a no brainer, I'd leave the diesel that's in there if there is enough to run the tractor, though I'd open the tank drain cock and check for water sitting in there, just like I'd check the transmission and final drives for water sitting in them, I wouldn't change those oils till I knew the tractor runs OK.
Check your air cleaner for wasp nests too, I'd also pull the injectors out and put half a cup of engine oil in each cylinder before trying to roll the main motor over, once I knew the motor rolls over OK with good oil pressure, refit the injectors. Obviously check you have water in the radiator, and a good tip is to be 100% certain you can shut that motor down straight away if it takes off on it's own accord with a stuck governor, so remove the aircleaner and have a piece of wood handy you can jam over the air intake pipe.
Others will chime in with better info than me, but that's what I'd suggest in the meantime.
Good luck