Hi, D4Jim.
You are correct, Sir. I have also received one of these e-mails. If they don't know what I think of them and their activities now, they are even more dense than I currently think they are. And THAT would be an achievement.
Just my 0.02.
I got the email also, for $1200 a person can be a life member. What if they get torpedoed like was tried here and it fails, will they send the money back. Who gets the dues if they fail? I got nothing against anybody but I sure will have a wait and see attitude on this. I guess I like old machines more than I like people.
This is the first i have heard of Yellow Power.Looks more like a Cat info/forum site rather then a physical club?.In my opion the ACMOC is the only club for vintage Caterpillar and this forum is the best by far
Hi, Folks.
Congratulate me. I have just received an e-mail from this mob telling me that I have been unsubscribed from their mailing list, at my request - - - - after I had sent them an e-mail with some 'fairly UN-ambiguous' comments on their outfit and the people in it.
Just my 0.02.
I got one too, they are going through the entire member directory.
Maybe someone should form a "Concerned Members of Yellow Power" group and spam everyone about holding a meeting to attempt a takeover.
[quote="PNW.Hillbilly post=246962 userid=16169"]I got one too, they are going through the entire member directory.
Maybe someone should form a "Concerned Members of Yellow Power" group and spam everyone about holding a meeting to attempt a takeover.
Best comment ever, Matt! You win the Internet![/quote]
Now that is funny! Made my evening.. thanks.