I don't know if I got goose bumps but I about chitmydraws
what you don't see is I had already sat in the seat then jumped out and slammed the door.....
[quote="Wombat"]Another thread gave the idea to post this, will be interesting to see what others get goose bumps from.
For me, the following,
D342 270hp D8H with straight stack under load
3408 mechanical in D8L or D9N under load
EM9 400 or E9 440, 500, 525 Mack pulling any of the above through the mountains
A very attractive well dressed young lady in high heels (yep it still works for an old fart like me)
A tough old 4 cylinder 3T D7 just prior to stalling
-a 540cid BBC going thru the traps at the top end at 8000 rpm...:music:
-never experienced Top Fuel but i'm confident that would be an eye opener....
-40 car field at a Nascar event....nice...
-Formula One, Indy car series....nice...
- a healthy diesel with lotsa boost.....nice....
i can do this all day.....
A pony engine starting on the first pull!
A pony engine starting on the first pull!
My goose bump moment was watching the launch of Apollo 8 and realizing there were actual people inside that thing and over 300 ft in the air at the launch. At a little over 6 million pounds (at the time the equivalent weight of about 75 D9 Caterpillars) how on earth was that conglomeration ever going to get off the pad. The earth shaking noise was deafening even at a distance. At the time I worked for Collins Radio and they made all the Apollo Radio gear. Of course it was a bone chilling moment during the return of Apollo 13 too.
Listening to the pony rev up under load on the D4 and the 112 ranks up there pretty high on the goose bump list. Love that "cackle". Last but not least is the unmistakable buzz when I nearly step on a rattler. Killed, I believe 27, in the last 18 years around the farm buildings including the front porch and several hundred around the farm and in the pasture. Always a bone chilling surprise that never goes away. Knock on wood but never bit even on some close calls.
I agree with crookedwrench, The sound of a D7 3T pushing a big blade load of dirt is something I'll never forget.