hello deetwocat ,which model do you have ? ,bruce oz
i cant seem to see the serial tag on the engine on the back is a winch covering that tag i was told it from the old owner that it is about a late fiftys modle it has a hand clutch that i think would be dry. i think it is to far gone for repair it has no blade but does have hyd. cylinders thanks.
Have a look at the S/N above the pony motor transmission. If you cant find that either just post a pic and we should be able to workout what it is. A late 50's model would make a D7 17A [ "C" or "D" series ].
D7C weighs 26930lbs bare operating weight.
D7D weighs 27230lbs bare operating weight.
I have a D7 17A 18,000 serial # it is a 1961 year with a straight cable blade and i think it is a #25 ccu not sure about the unit . Would any know what the total of tractor , blade and ccu ? 😊
Tractor wieghs - 27230lbs
#25 Cable Control Unit - 2070 lbs
Cat 7S Blade - 5080lbs
That comes to a total of 34380lbs. If it has belly gaurd and or canopy you need to add a little more for them.
note, these are all approx fiqures