Stanadyne has a lube formula.
Two stroke oil works well too.
Check with your fuel supplier. Most have dealt with the lubricity problem that ULSD had at first. I was filling the pickup one day at the CO-OP & the guy that drives the fuel truck saw me adding some fuel conditioner...he came over & said "You know, we put that in all the diesel now anyway".
But, a dose of ATF will help any Diesel system.
Be careful adding it to a road vehicle, the fuel nazis will see red & bust you for running off-road fuel.
Howe's Diesel Treat works very well and helps with water in the fuel.
I've always used two stroke. No proof on performance but makes sense to me.
Local fuel injection shop says "using oil for an atitives make the diesel harder to combust and I should buy his fuel additive that cleans, lubes, and burns easier. I still use 2 stroke though.
California diesel is drier yet. I use 2 stroke oil from Walmart. I use it in my dodge, Cummins. Increases cetane a bit and improves milage a bit. I qt to 35 gallons.
Ordinary two stroke oil regularly and Seafoam occasionally.