I had a special invite to attend a hands on weekend event at the Cat-Cave, It was a good family do with lots of Cider and BBQ Beef / Hog roast, the main attaction was the Cat-Cave Foundry shop molding proper spec crank handles in proper steel the gas cat big 20's and other real steal castings, Thanks again Byron for my very own hand made crank assy for a Cat 20, Seen as I dont own a Cat 20 Yet, I will be mounting my Cat 20 crank on a piece of hardwood. My Wife enjoyed mrs Catman's Cranberry and grey goose welcome drink.
I am looking out for any old Russian Cats on my trucking routes to ussr
[quote="Jimmy w"]
I am looking out for any old Russian Cats on my trucking routes to ussr
where do you get to on your routes out to former CCCP?.......I am based down in Central Asia (Turkmen/Uzbek) most of the time these days......but we rarely see European trucks down this way