:confused2::confused2😮pen mouth trying to not put foot in.
Trying to help those that know nothing has raised a question. I know you can put steering clutch and brake lining material in a D6 9u that is happy running in oil even though they were never sent out of the factor that way.Because there is one next door.
So this AC HD6g loader has a oil pump for the steering clutch compartment. New owner purchased from the widow so no guidance from previous owner. But after some time looking to service, owner find pump,dry input broke or missing.Not knowing anything about HD6's other than the first were a HD 5 with a different engine. I would guess that early parts that are made to run dry could be used,why I don't you would.
So from the vast experience out here in Cat land. How many days of running dry before everything is not working if there are still wet steering and brake linings in this tractor. I would think it would not take many hours to not be acting normal. But here again a operator that has no idea how it normally operates.
I got involved by saying were to look for the transmission fill plug. Part of why it is so frustrating to give OR receive help over the net. For safety it is much better to assume the asking party knows nothing. But then the receiving party feel insulted. So no winning.
But it has me wondering how long wet steering parts might last running dry.