I thought it was supposed to weigh 2 tons?
I am sure there are plenty of people on this forum that know the answer to your question. I did a quick search on the Internet and came up with this site:
Which says the weight is 2500 lbs.
Good luck,
As I said in the last post I did a search on the net for info on 2-tons. After I posted that message I continued to look at the Google hits. Here is one that some of you might be interested in:
It is a 2-ton plus a pull grader for the price of $12.5k. There are some good looking pictures. BTW, I have nothing to do with the seller. I sort of wish I did, if the seller was the person who did the restoration.
One last message and I will shut up for tonight. As I continued to check other sites I found one saying the 2 ton weight was more than 2500 which now that I think about it is way too light. Quote from the second site,
"OVERALL WEIGHT * Standard (with operator and fuel tank filled) - 9082 lbs."
Perhaps it would be best if someone with knowledge of the tractor posts a reply.
Sorry about the misinformation,
hello 2-22dud ,the early holt 2 ton was 4000 pounds(2ton) and the later caterpillar were 2.5 tons ,bruce oz
that wieght is only bare tractor (EX INFO)