Heres an EMail I received today from Wally's EMail address Willie
Hello to all of Dad's friends,
This is Matt and Molly (dad's kids). As most of you know, Dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year. On this past Monday, (6/24/13), Dad could no longer fight it and died at about 10pm.
We want you all to know that Dad went peacefully, and without pain. His last few months were spent working hard on his ranch, and spending as much time on his tractors as his body would allow...which was quite a lot considering his illness. Even up until the last few days, he was out on his tractor. On the day before he died, even as his body was failing, he was out on his back porch barking orders and instructions to Matt, who was moving some dirt for him.
You all know how hard Dad loved to work…and loved his ranch. A typical day for dad the last few months consisted of waking in the morning and tinkering around for an hour or two. In the late morning dad would have to rest, and he would nap on and off in his recliner while catching up with the Pirates. In the late afternoon he was up with a burst of energy and would get out on the tractor until dark. That was his routine until 2 days before he died. He really did work until he died…just like he said!
Dad was constantly surrounded by family and friends the last few months. Both of us, and mom were here all of the time. All four of his grandkids were able to spend a lot of quality time with him…which he LOOOOVED!! He loved those grandkids so much!! I wish you could’ve seen him light up around them…you’d swear it was a different person.
Molly, Matt, Jeanie, and his good friends Gary and Kathy Troike were at his side when he died.
Just a few more thoughts we want to share with you. Dad loved you all very much and there is just too much all of us can say in an e-mail or phone call. We have submitted a short obituary to the Napa Register that will run on 6/27/13. However, we really would like to share and hear your remembrances of Dad. To that end we have established a website for all of his friends to share, and we REALLY do want to hear your thoughts of Dad:
Please share anything you would like with family and friends. If you aren’t comfortable sharing on a website, that’s OK too. You can share with Matt and/or Molly at their personal e-mails:
[email protected] and
[email protected].
We will be holding a celebration for Dad at a date to be determined. We don’t want to forget to include you so PLEASE provide us your contact information. We understand if post-life celebrations are not “your thing”, but we still want to include you. One of Dad’s last wishes was to have his ashes scattered in the back country and we would love for you to be part of that.
We will be closing out Dad’s e-mail account in the coming days, so please share your contact information with Matt and Molly.
Once again, we thank you for all your love and support