I realize this is short notice but some recent changes and parts deliveries or more appropriately non-deliveries have resulted in equipment that was scheduled to be present will not be available. Add a sudden surge in the number of models attending our event and we find our self in need of more sets. This is a pin-up / glamour event with multiple setups on my property just south of Paso Robles, California. Further information on the event may be viewed at portfolio-jam.com.
I believe we could use three to five additional sets. If anyone is interested and has the ability to bring a vintage crawler or tractor or truck please contact me in a private message. Participating Vehicles will be photographed and the owner will receive (4) 8x10 and (1) 16x20 prints.
Along with the food we will be preparing.
Geoff, what event? All the Best Tractors you could want to photograph will be at the Santa Margarita ranch on June 24-27.
Tom Madden, Paso Robles
I am looking forward to The Best of the West Show.
This not a tractor show, this event makes use of Tractors/trucks/hotrods as sets for the photographers and models(human). I will have several of my Land-Rovers there in addition to my D4 and Adams pull type road grader. A couple of other Land-Rover will be there as will an IH Cub. It would be nice to have an RD 6 in front of the grader as that is the type of tractor that was used to pull it when it was in active use. My preference for tractors is on the smaller end of the size range. I am not sure where we will place tractors bigger than a THIRTY, but I am open to just about anything available.