Hi, WA07PY.
Offer 'em scrap price plus 10% and you may well walk away with a machine, having saved them the processing costs.
Just my 0.02.
Is scrap metal worth that much in the US? If that was Australia there is no way those machines would be scrapped if they are worth more than scrap. They would either be on sold as a working unit or sold to wreckers. Some scrap yards in Aus have their own wrecking yards.
The cats run, the job corp is part of the USDA and the Dept of labor, US Gov, IE tax dollars at work. How do they teach the kids with IQs like this???...WA7OPY
sometimes it is part of the procurement process that the equipment will never be resold for anything other than scrap. but still should be given to some other state or county before scrapped.😞
Hi, Bursitis.
SO?????????????? Neither sell nor buy it. Simply take it off their hands to save them the trouble of processing it and make a donation to their favorite charity - - - - and give them the money to pass on to said charity.
Just my 0.02.
A local collector died several years ago, lots of old farm tractors and construction equip. Family didn't want to pay an auctioner so most went to local scrap yard.