Who ever did that deserves a bullet between the eyes!ðŸ˜
Tom, that would be too quick and easy so strap their butt with a belt till blood would run down both legs and then keep doing it for a week and then do what you said to put them out of their misery.That,s about as bad a vandalism as I have seen.I hope the poor guy has insurance so he doesn,t go bankrupt because he can,t purchase new equip.
You would have thought that someone would have heard all the noise and went to find out what the heck was going on. I live out in the boonies and you can hear that stuff for a mile or so. I would have gone to see what all the noise was.
Wow, that is bad. Might have been that who did it had a grudge or was owed some pay. I will agree that the one that did that deserves a slow, inhumain fate. ðŸ˜
Does anyone know the forward speed an older Cat (with a starter engine) will crawl IF the Cat is in first gear, with clutch engaged, and the pony engine is in low gear and the compression release is "open" and the starting engine is idling and the throttle of the diesel of OFF?
Here is what I'd like to do the these kind of vandels.
First you have to catch him or them, stake him or them down to the ground and then place one of the Cat tracks right in line with their feet and start it crawling. It would slowly crawl onto their feet then slowly continue until the whole person is run over. Then you finish starting the Cat and dig a hole and bury the scumbag.😠😠😠ðŸ˜
I would NEVER really do that but IT makes you so angry for them to do this kind of damage that you'd feel like doing just something like that.
There is NEVER a justification for vandels.
Walt, I think someone may have almost beat you to the punch. I got these pics in an email that said this guy was trying to jack the trucker's truck in an intersection. I didnt include the 3rd pic because it was a little to gruesome.
I would like to know the story behind this mess. I wonder if a neighbour had the arse with them, looks like they may have been tipping illegaly or at least in a sensitive area. Who knows.
I think i have seen this on another site,maybe HEF.It said that it was an EX employee that did it .Makes me glad we don't have anyone working for us.ian.
Well I for one hope they lock that clown (no disrespect to real clowns) up for a very long time.