We are planning on bringing another cat down from Idaho next year for the show. Hope to encourage more folks from Cal. to participate. It was a good show this and can only get better if you participate. Ed& Jan:usa2:
Hey Gang,
Why would leaving the rat race behind, traveling to a tractor show, meeting up with friends who like old tractors, looking at other's cool stuff, and getting a chance to run your's or other's tractors in the dirt be called FUN??? Heck just watching Garlic Pete gain pounds of grease on his clothes and hair by the hour is a show in it's self. Watching the master of tractor show repair shouldn't be missed. It always amazes me how Garlic figures out the repair and gets it done. Then there is Garlic Mom's glowing cheeks as she is off on her missions of giving and smiling, with some laughter mixed in. Why would anyone call this Fun??? Ok Garlic, count me in!!!
Hey Glen,
Any chance that Mary Ann will be at Tulare too? To me it would be a double WOW if she was at Tulare AND Santa Margarita next year.😄😄😄😄
Of course I am glad to volunteer to drive her in the parades....:fish2:
Hey Walt,
I wasn't thinking of bringing Mary Ann. Conserving fuel for Santa Margarita, but if you want to fill the tanks on my transport and Mary Ann, I'd make sure your name was in the hat for the parade operator draw. Never know, your name could be drawn.
Hi, Glen.
I sorta get the impression that Mary Ann has set a heart a-throbbin' over there in 'Harry-Zoner'. If yer see Walt walkin' inter lamp posts and such like and his eyes is all glazed over and Mary Ann is anywhere within a 200-mile radius, you'll know the reason why. LOL.
Just my 0.02.
Pops, Pete and I take our toys directly to Santa Margarita after Tulare to help cut down on fuel cost. If work is still slow for me I'll probably leave my travel trailer at Tulare and truck some loads to SM. I'll be happy to help move some of your stuff too.
Hey OilSlick,
I always wanted to be "The Rubber Duck"... Hahaha.... Yes we can plan a convoy... We just gotta watch out for the Bear in the Air...
You know... The days of the Black Smoke coming out of the stacks ain't here no more... Bummer...
Hey Glen, nice link!
I volunteer at the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis where that "Bulldog Mack with the can on the back" resides. ...it was a much better era in a lot of ways...
Hey Willowhic,
My first job on the road was driving the "Momma Truck" and I hauled the "Boss Truck of America". Pretty awesome KW. Went from that to hanging with OilSlick.... Hahaha.... Go figure... I'm slipping bad!!!