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transfering subsidery chapters to contract operation

transfering subsidery chapters to contract operation

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Send a private message to trainzkid88
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i have a couple of recomendations too.

1. develop a safety code for your group. this is very important as we have motorised equipment and many of us wish to have working displays. a proper safety code is part of risk management and would be required by virtually all insurers and state OHS authorities. also if you have one it looks good to potential insurers so you are more likely to get a policy and probably a better price.

2. is go see a insurance broker and organise a public liability policy of at least 15 million dollars. its also a good idea to have insurance to cover vollenteers working at club events and a professional indemnity for the office bearers of your club. god forbid something ever happened and your not covered.

this is a example of a safety code and risk management policy and is the one most machinery clubs in australia use. it would need to adapted to suit the laws in your jurisdiction:

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Thu, Jun 29, 2023 8:39 AM
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Chapter Fifteen
Send a private message to juiceman
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Thanks TK88; I have always wanted to see someone else's safety policy. We appreciate you sharing it. JM
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Thu, Jun 29, 2023 8:57 PM
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Send a private message to trainzkid88
Posts: 2,187
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We haven't had any claims against our insurance from the public and touch wood we never do. We have had close calls though. I was there for one of them. A hot bulb engine overrun its governor which wasn't working correctly and took off it actually bounced around the compound. Luckily another exhibitor new how to shut it down in a emergency and held the air valve open till it stopped. In the end the committee had to force the issue to get it fixed properly. Dad as head safety officer told the owner next time it ran away he would stop it permanently. other members helped the owner to fix it properly and it ran without incident after that.

another incident a exhibitor had to asked to leave as he was drinking alcohol while operating his display. its simple exhibitors will be stone sober while the event is on for the day.

just remember the secretary is god, the safety officer is 2nd to god on the rally grounds. the attitude needs to be follow the rules or don't let the gate hit you on the arse on the way out.

a robust safety policy is a must.
our premiums per person worked out about 15 bucks a head for the 7 thousand members nationally for nearly 20yrs because we have a strong safety policy and didnt have claims. inflation has changed that also the insurance cover has expanded to cover extra things so the price increases accordingly.

a lot of safety is just common sense but sometimes you just need it written down to remind everyone. and the important thing it needs to keep updated with changes in government/ insurer requirements
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Fri, Jun 30, 2023 11:00 AM
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