I've also received several of those from TractorDon, and like you, I didn't open them because they didn't look right.
Don has replied to my messages and said he was going to scrap his old email addy and get a new one. Unless Don says so, I'd think that any emails sent from his old addy should be considered bad mojo. His old email is tractordond2d4d6~at~yahoo.com (~at~ replaces the @).
I got 2 from Don and a few from others I talk to online and all are from same outfit try to get you to do tele communicating from home online i just delete them and they usually are 1 time shot sending to everybody on your email list. I got 1 awhile back from OM also trying to sell Canadian perscription drugs a couple from Jim Duvander and lastest from Jesse Gilberston last nite. I wouldnt change my EMail for that anybody can tell when they open mail is junk I just delete them. They come without a subject and only have a link to some website on the page. I get 1 every month or so from myself.
I do know know who all of Dons friends are LOL