Oh boy! yea wait till it gets fit to drive, be careful.
Kenny, I've heard that you don't waste time when it comes to herding CATs. Hopefully you had time to stop and enjoy some good meals and party time in your adventure.
Wyoming seems to be your favorite place to get stranded! Be safe out there, wherever you end up next! JM
Hi, AntiqueCatman21.
Just my 0.02.[
schnikeeeeyyss....straight home and be safe sir!
Well update on my trip so far I couldn't help myself without stopping by Antique caterpillar crawler parts in Wyoming to see "Chad" on my way out East and what do you know I left with something 🤦.
Now that I'm in Illinois I heard that the weather was turning for the worst!!!! Tornado Warnings and up to 2" hail in the upcoming towns that I was going to be driving threw. I continue on thinking I'm so close to my stop for the night but unfortunately I couldn't out run the storm. It found me on I-80 north of Peoria last night 60mph+ winds and hail 1" diameter. I witnessed 2 53' semis over turn on the freeway in front of me on the east and west bound lanes. So I took the first exit I could get off at mile marker 77. Guess it was my lucky night. Found a truck stop to take shelter at and wait it out. With hurricane force winds and down pour of rain and hail with lightning all around me, like nothing that I've ever seen before. It was like a scene from twister the movie.I was just a few miles away from the center of the storm thankfully no column formed and 1 hour later after taking shelter. I was in the clear for now and made it to my stop safe and sound for the night. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress home now that I made it out to my furthest stop. Hopefully I don't encounter anymore. Crazy weather but that's just what happens when you go back east and deal with the elements from mother nature.
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Finally loaded up and hitting some good weather!!!! Headed home now and hopefully can make it by easter Sunday.![]()
Here's a drivin song or two r three for ya!
And anuther!
And some C.W.
N sum Juniorhttps://youtu.be/bumdb4c8zTM