Egoman I'm not sure what's going on at ACME with regards to making contact with someone about membership, I have a freind that was a member and like you wants to rejoin, but is having the same problem! No responce from anyone? Mike.
I honestly enjoy the site, I would just like to participate again.
I posted in a thread on the other site about supporting and brought it to the top.hope it helps
I've had the same problem for about a year now (can't post or reply). Tried
to request help over a dozen times with no responce. Hadn't had any problems for 8 or 9 years before that.
Send a PM to Joe_black from this board if you have problems. Like everyone he is busy but he always got back to me on any problem. Be sure to tell him you need the help on the ACME board to be able to post. Let him know what your handle is on that board if different than the ACMOC board.
It might take a while because Joe is going back to school full time, so he doesn't get to have any fun anymore!
If I am not mistaken that is why ACMOC has a different moderator, because of the lack of quick responses.
Well Erik ,Thats a nice way to thank GWH For All His Tireless efforts here .😞 😞 😞 😞 .Ian
you mis understood me, i was referring to Joe Black, I think he is not involved with the responsibilites of the BB any more because of his time was more involved for his personal projects. In no way shape or form was I talking about GWH. I think that all of us have stated how much work, time, and effort that GWH has given to this club and I have yet to hear anyone make a negative comment about him. I think that sometimes people can "read" things in to comments made on the BB that the author does not mean or imply.
If you read in the post's above they were talking about Joe Black not GWH!